A global partnership for all of us.

Joined together in 1972, the Harvard International Relations Council is an alliance of twelve programs and conferences around the world delivering accessible educational programming and content, fulfilling our founding mandate to promote, improve, and develop the education of all individuals.

Our Programs

The core of what we do, our programs are who we are.

Harvard Model United Nations

With more than three-thousand high-school delegates each year, HMUN serves as the strongest substantive experience of its kind. HMUN also serves students in China, India, Dubai and Australia.

Harvard National Model United Nations

In dozens of committees, more than a thousand university students come to Boston to experience America’s highest ranked collegiate Model UN conference. HNMUN serves high school and university students in Latin America and Africa.

Intercollegiate Model United Nations

Attending about a dozen conferences across North America, ICMUN competes and represents Harvard College students and serves as our connection to the Model UN circuit.

Harvard International Review

A quarterly magazine offering insight on international affairs from the perspectives of scholars, leaders, and policymakers, with unparalleled quality the HIR has set out to bridge the worlds of academia and policy through outstanding writing and editorial selection.

Harvard Program for International Education

Providing education content across the Boston area and the world, HPIE delivers a unique curriculum accessible to students wherever they might be that encourages students to think about major issues from a global perspective.

International Relations on Campus

Welcoming guests from the diplomatic, governmental and many other sectors, IRoC serves to bring guests from all over the world to discuss major issues with students in small groups and dinner discussions on the Harvard campus to connect students to international affairs.

The Central Services

Our programs rely on support from central services that provide support to all IRC programs and conferences.

Board of Strategy and Social Impact

  • Delivering technological solutions to organizational problems.
  • Researching and reporting on major projects across the IRC.
  • Providing social experiences to our members.
Tourist taking photo of a building

Model Security Council

  • Connecting pre-freshmen and freshmen with IRC programs.
  • Delivering info sessions and mentorship programs.